“Monkey Business Street Sign”

10/2020. 30” X 30” Mixed Media on Aluminum

Monkey Business short documentary (6:33):


 A peaceful protest and homage to graffiti culture. These signs were installed in neighborhoods where gentrification is prevalent. This series also addresses, white flight, redlining and redistricting

So many communities where I live and where I’ve visited around the country displace their black and brown neighbors and tenants to clear the path for non-natives. Much like the wildflower we call a weed is removed to make way for a more desirable flower, people of color are being displaced to create a bubble more suitable for whiteness. Social services moved from central areas along bus routes to off the grid, out of sight facilities. Millions of dollars in tax credits to keep a few low-income “locals” housed. The transformation of a food desert to an urban oasis as soon as the undesirables have moved on. Investment. Freeways. Soccer Stadiums. Grocery stores. Breweries. Pop up shops and boutiques. All catered with a white appetite in mind. They lie in wait until the property value drops so low they can buy it for pennies on the dollar. They remodel and make a shitload of money as the NEW owners while simultaneously pricing out generations of people living in the neighborhood. Racial harmony an ideal we aspire towards but never quite accomplish.