As American As Apple Pie

2021 Repurposed Ceramic , Epoxy Resin, Food Color, Cardboard

As American as apple pie is an expression of patriotism coined in the 1940’s. As far back as 1851, The New York Times reports our use of this phrase in connection with activities like civil disobedience, hardcore pornography, corruption, lynching people, poverty and misfortune, political espionage, dirty tricks, antifeminism, reproductive choice, marijuana, infidelity, racism, clandestine activities, “human guinea pigs”, censorship, immigrants, addictive products, self-help books, and the list goes on.  Sounds a lot like the American climate of 2021 if you ask me. How we qualify patriotism in this country creates a radical sense of entitlement leading to unspeakably “un-American” acts. The recent insurrection at the capitol building further highlights how our sense or patriotism if inflamed could lead to acts of terrorism against the very country we say we love. Everyone wants their slice of the pie and some are willing to storm the castle and kill to get what they feel they are owed.

The irony here is Apple pie is not American at all. It’s another appropriated product in a long list of items going back to the 1600’s. Apples made their way from Asia where Dutch immigrants mastered recipes they would never be credited for. Stereotypically and unquestionably American.

Side Note: The crab apple is the only indigenous species of apple in North America.